Thursday, September 23, 2010

A clockwork post

Sometimes I have doubts about movies based in novels. When I already read the original novel, I could be really demanding and perfectioninst when I am watching the movie, and I start to compare the characters and elements of the plot with the original story. But sometimes cases I like this kind of movies, even though the story have few diferences with the original. This is the case of clockwork orange, which is my favorite movie, because I still love the movie althoug it has a diferent final. In my oppinion, I think the Stanley Kubrick`s story ir more pessimist than the Anthony Burgues `s because this differences beetween both plots, but I really like the two versions in different ways.

Both versions have the same plot: Alex DeLarge, the main character, is a eighteen years old teenager that lead a gang. They commit many violent crimes, as violations and robbery, and in one of this crimes Alex is imprisioned. In the reformatory, Alex try to act like a reformed convict to get benefits from the authorities and try to be free as quick as possible. Because of his good maners and conduct que got acces to the “Ludwig treatment”, a method created to reformate criminals permanently using medicines and psicological techniques.After Alex was subjected in this treatment he refuse to do any criminal act, and suffered spasms any time he try to commit crimes. Finally, Alex was interned in a hospital once he tried to commit suicide, and he became the center of media attention because the cruel use of the "Ludwig treatment" in him.

The principal fact that change the perspective of the Burgues`s version is the main character. In both stories Alex is a violent, and also a pollite person. However , in the Burgues`s version Alex is even more charming, specially with womens. The Kubrick`s vision of Alex is more cruel, and this adds with the shocking aesthetic of the film. Ignoring others diferences in the plot, the most important divergence is the final. In the film, Alex lose all the effects of the tratment and return to his violent personallity. In the other hand, the novel finish with the permanent rehab of Alex, and he turn in a good person. This is the aspect that change completly the message of the story: Kubrick shows a pessimist vision of crime, while Burgues give a message of hope.

A clockwork orange is my favorite movie of my favorite movie director. I really like esthetic, the acting (Malcom McDowel did a brilliant job as Alex) and the music. As I said before, I like both versions of the story, but for the reassons that I stated before, I prefer the movie. I let pass a lot of differences between the film and the novel...because is Kubrick...and he is just awesome.


  1. kubrick was very scared on the avant premier. In the end, a man (i can't remember who) said him: "it's was a masterpiece".


  2. Interesting Constanza,

    Even though I think the information is not very well organized or sentences logical all the time.

    It needs more editing and also you forgot many of the third person singular "s".

    1 point.

