Friday, May 28, 2010

Criminal laws

I don`t think the capital punishment is a good solution, because this method is focused in "eliminating" criminals, not the delinquency.

The pro of capital punishment is the efectiveness in persuading criminals, because this method threat people with dead in case they commit a crime.

The principal defect of capital punishment is the moral aspect of the method. This aspect has generated many discussions between defenders of the capital punishment and people who think that this attempts on the human life.

I think the cause of criminality is the hight rate of inequality in the country, and also the low access to education in the case of poor people. This last reason is the most important for me, because with a good education it is easier to get a good job. That is the reason because I think the government must improve education and the access to it for it to reduce criminality in Chile.

Fortunately, I have never been victim of a crime. My family sometimes have been victim of pick pocketing, but only because they are absent-minded.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

My favorite piece of technology

My favorite piece of technology is my I pod Shuffle / mp3. I got it when my dad won a price in his work, so he give me the mp3 due to my marks at school, when I was in 1°Medio.

I use my mp3 very often, once a day minimun. I use mi mp3 in bedtime, because music helps me to sleep better. Also, I use it when I go to long trips in the road. It´s pretty usefull because it makes my trips more funny and short. I usually change the music in the mp3, beacuse it has only a few megas of storage. Because of this I always need a "greatest hits" list to put in my mp3.

I like it because is small and easy to use. I also have and mp4, but the window is too big and I cant carry it safelly in the street. I cant imagine my life with my mp3. Music makes me happy and full of energy every day. The only problem is when I listen to music too loud, because de battery get dried more fast. To evoid that, I always charge the battery in my pc with the usb port.

Friday, May 7, 2010

My best friend

The name of my best friend is Constanza GarcĂ­a. We were in the same school until last year. She has been my best friend since about 3 years ago, because when she arrived at the school we didn`t get along well. We begun our friendship when I sat next to her in the classroom, so we started to talk more often.
I consider her my best friend because we share a lot in common and we laugh at the same things. We can spend hours talking about everything in this world.
I don`t have a "best memory" with my friend, because any moment with her is special. I specially remember when we share room in the hotel in a trip to the south of Chile. That was a funny moment that I`ll never forget.
Although we can`t meet so often because we leave the school, we try to get out together. We usually go to providencia to buy some clothes, or even to walk and talk about our universitary lifes. Last saturday I went to her birthday party, and I had a very good time with her and the other pals.