Friday, April 16, 2010

The earthquake

In the night of the earthquake I was finishing a stained-glass window in my room. The earthquake began when I was trying to sleep after I`d finished. At the beggining I was relaxed and not so worried about the earthquake, because I thought that it was just another soft earthquake, but few minutes later I noticed that the earthquake was more and more powerful. In that moment I jumped out of my bed quickly and I stayed under the lintel of my room. When the earthquake finaly finished I went out of my apartment and I stayed in the first deck of the building. After the day of the earthquake was over I helped giving some food and clothes to the recolection-centers.
The main lesson that I learned was to make an "emergency-bag" with all the things that I would need in this kind of situation; like lanters, batteries and handy radios. Fortunately, I had my hand lanter near my bed before the earthquake, so I could see through the darkness at the moment of the power cut after the disaster.

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