Friday, April 9, 2010

About me ~

Hi! My name is Contanza Pino. I`m 18 years old and I left the school in 2009. Now I`m studing Anthropology in the university of Chile. I don`t know why exactly I`m stuying that, but in this 3 weeks of class I`m getting more and more interested in my career. Nowadays, my favorite signature are Anthropology and phylosophy. I like Biology, but at the moment the teacher is reviewing basic topics. I would like to be a Physical Antropology, but who knows...

My hobbies are play the guitar (electric guitar, of course ;D), draw, read, and play videogames. I have been playing the guitar for 4 years, but I can`t do fast picking correctly. Fortunately, I like heavy metal, so I don`t need to be a really good guitarrist to play that kind of music.

Nowdays, I`m living with my parents and my older sister in a department. They are awesome people ~~

And about the name of the blog...Romina is a friend who is studing Anthropology too, and she ask me for name my blog in her honor.

Well, thats all for today.

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