Friday, April 30, 2010

Clifford Geertz

I`m not fan of any antropologist because I`m just in the first year of my career, but I`m really interested in Clofford Geertz...

He is an american antropologist who was born in San Francisco (United States) in 1926 and died in 2006. He was a teacher of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton University. He was also a member of the Antropologist society in Chicago University, and he recived an honorary doctor degree at Bates College in 1980.

Geertz is the principal exponent of Symbolic Antropology. This theory says that antropology can`t make general laws for human behavior, and culture must give sense to the world and make it understandable. Clifford Geertz also says antropologist must try to interpret the characteristic signs of each culture. For him, the only way to study the human behavior is by observation and experience. His investigations are about topics like religion (especially islam), economical and politic development and familly life in diferent villages.

I like this antropologist because he states a qualitative style of investigation. He explained that antropology can`t be studied by laws and general rules, and the importance of context interpretation.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

My favorite vacation place

My favorite vacation place is Algarrobo. It is a commune located in San Antonio, in V region. When I was a little child, Algarrobo had not so many atractions as today. In that time was only the beach and some ferrys, but today are restaurants and a lot of Hotels. Every year, when I visit algarrobo, I can found some new facilities to attract tourists. I don`t like that because there are a lot of people in summer, and that means less peace in the beach.

I don`t have memorable experiences to tell. I just go there because I love the wind and the smell of the coast. In Algarrobo I can refresh my mind and recahrge my energy.

Friday, April 16, 2010

The earthquake

In the night of the earthquake I was finishing a stained-glass window in my room. The earthquake began when I was trying to sleep after I`d finished. At the beggining I was relaxed and not so worried about the earthquake, because I thought that it was just another soft earthquake, but few minutes later I noticed that the earthquake was more and more powerful. In that moment I jumped out of my bed quickly and I stayed under the lintel of my room. When the earthquake finaly finished I went out of my apartment and I stayed in the first deck of the building. After the day of the earthquake was over I helped giving some food and clothes to the recolection-centers.
The main lesson that I learned was to make an "emergency-bag" with all the things that I would need in this kind of situation; like lanters, batteries and handy radios. Fortunately, I had my hand lanter near my bed before the earthquake, so I could see through the darkness at the moment of the power cut after the disaster.

Friday, April 9, 2010

About me ~

Hi! My name is Contanza Pino. I`m 18 years old and I left the school in 2009. Now I`m studing Anthropology in the university of Chile. I don`t know why exactly I`m stuying that, but in this 3 weeks of class I`m getting more and more interested in my career. Nowadays, my favorite signature are Anthropology and phylosophy. I like Biology, but at the moment the teacher is reviewing basic topics. I would like to be a Physical Antropology, but who knows...

My hobbies are play the guitar (electric guitar, of course ;D), draw, read, and play videogames. I have been playing the guitar for 4 years, but I can`t do fast picking correctly. Fortunately, I like heavy metal, so I don`t need to be a really good guitarrist to play that kind of music.

Nowdays, I`m living with my parents and my older sister in a department. They are awesome people ~~

And about the name of the blog...Romina is a friend who is studing Anthropology too, and she ask me for name my blog in her honor.

Well, thats all for today.